• I have three self-hosted WP sites all running 3.6.1 Let’s call them Source, Working, & Broken.

    I would like to publish a post on Source and have it show up on Working & Broken, but posts show up on neither. Additionally, the configuration for the Broken site does not seem to be working correctly.

    Here’s the situ, maybe you can point out my problem:

    * I have installed version 1.0 of this plugin in the Source site.
    * Under Settings -> Push Syndicate Settings I have ticked Post, Attachment, & Delete Pushed Posts. I have no wordpress.com sites, so I have not configured the API Token section.
    * Under Sites -> Sites I have the two sites listed.
    * If I edit the site “Working” I have: WordPress XMLRPC selected, the URL of the blog, a known-good username, that username’s password, a tick in the Enable box, and I also have a tick in one of the two Site Groups in the box on the right. Pressing the Add Site button returns “Connection Successful!”
    * If I edit the site “Broken” I have: WordPress XMLRPC selected, the URL of the blog, a known-good username, that username’s password, NO tick in the Enable box, and I also have a tick in one of the two Site Groups in the box on the right. Ticking the Enable box and pressing the Add Site button returns “Transport error. Invalid endpoint”

    Question #1 – Where can I track down more information on this error? Logs?

    * When I create a new post on the Source site, I see the Syndicate box on the right so I tick the box for the site group for which the Working site is a member.
    * I create and publish a post
    * I verify the post is showing up on the Source site
    * The post does not show up on the Working site

    Question #2 – What am I doing incorrectly that the post is not showing up on the remote site?

    I do not find any place where there is substantial documentation on using this plugin so if someone can help me figure out what I’m doing wrong, I would very much appreciate it.


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