I have given up on this plugin, less plugins faster site ??
While this might go over peoples heads, I recommend the new online Analytics class by Google https://analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com
Anywho…. there are two ways to get around this depending on the JavaScript Code that Google Analytics (GA) state you need to use.
To Figure out your code login to your GA account, click on ‘Admin’ on the orange bar on the right side. You will see 3 columns, the first is your GA Accounts (you may have more than one, like me), the second column is where you need to be. Under the Property Box, select your site in the drop down. Then Click on ‘Tracking Info’. At the bottom of that page will be your GA Code. Copy that in to Notepad or what ever text app you have.
(ASIDE: learn more about the code go here https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1008083?hl=en&ref_topic=1008079)
Now you can choose where to put it in your WP site, in the Header.php or the Footer.php.
In your WP Dashboard go to “Appearance” and then “Editor“
IF you are putting the code in the Header.php, look for the last line, it should say </head>. Place the code before that. The Analytics will report on pages on your site contacted, but may not load the entire page, which could throw off your analytics information. (HINT: Doing some research on GA you can learn a statement that will not send info to GA unless the whole page has loaded)
IF you are putting the code in the Footer.php (which I recommend), the page will not execute the code until the pages of your site fully load. In the File look for </body> and place the code right before that.
NOW you have reduced a plugin and got GA reporting (on the correct site).
More resources:
My intention is NOT to upset the author, but provide a solution until the plugin has been modified to work properly. I certainly hope you will post when it is fix, since I am recommending people remove the plugin. I suggest to everyone to NOTIFY BELOW, so you can add it back in. The MAIN reason you would want it installed, is you don’t have to remember to edit every theme you instal, it will just work, assuming it gets fixed.
Sorry Yoast, your stuff is AWESOME, but as every developer knows, it also needs to be updated. Thanks for understanding.