• Christian



    I have a simple question: What is the principle behind the naming about the generated language files?

    I am using this plugin for many months and it works perfectly.
    Now I have a phenomenon:

    1. Codestyling Localization reads the default language po-file correctly. For example: short_pluginname.po
    2. The po and mo files were generated with a prefix.
      Sample: long_pluginname-de_DE.po and long_pluginname-de_DE.mo (related on the folder name of the plugin)
      Question: Who is responsible for the prefix?
    3. The translated file only from the related translation are not loaded, although the wp-config.php has the correct definition (de_DE). (WordPress loads all other language files correctly)
    4. After renaming the generated language files from “long_pluginname…” to “short_pluginname…” manually, the translation works fine.
    5. (The renamed files were not found by Codestyling Localization plugin for further editing.)

    Where is the error to find? – In the Codestyling Localization plugin or in the related plugin?

    Thanks for a hint,


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