• Hey all! Was wondering if anyone could help me change the color of the text for all the posts. The part I want to change is “leave a reply” and “This entry was posted in (Categories) and tagged (tags)on September 12, 2013 by (author).”. My site is https://goodmusicinc.net/, I’m on twenty twelve theme. Thanks in advance.

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  • I see in your previous thread that you are using the Jetpack CSS editor, and I believe you will need a Child Theme for the things you are mentioning here…and that means it would likely be simplest and best for you overall to now make a Child Theme and then next move your previous edits into it before moving on here. A bare-bones Child Theme — nothing beyond the @import line at first — is not at all difficult to make, and any of several of us here can help walk you through that, if necessary. So, begin here:

    Thread Starter GoodMusicInc


    I actually just switched over to a child theme, switched my header to above the menu so I know it works. So what do I want to change on my child theme then? Also do you suggest to keep my changes so far with the Jetpack editor or code them into the Child theme? I guess I’m wondering will it change my website’s loading speed and what not.

    So what do I want to change on my child theme then?

    There is were the challenge begins, and I know just enough here to help make things seem complicated. Twenty Twelve is “mobile first”, and that means you cannot always just add a line or two of code to an accumulation (pile) of modifications at the bottom of your Child Theme’s style.css and see the change everywhere you might think it would appear. For example, take a look at Twenty Twelve’s own style.css and do a search for main-navigation and you will find stylings for that being done in four different sections. So where changing a color in one section might cover a phone or mobile device, you might also need to change it elsewhere so your change will show on larger screens…and then there is also the matter of Twenty Twelve having a special ie.css for versions of Internet Explorer <9. Different people deal with all of that differently, but at least now you know!

    Also do you suggest to keep my changes so far with the Jetpack editor…wondering will it change my website’s loading speed and what not.

    I would find it confusing to have some edits in one place and others in another, so I would put it all together in one place. And if you really want to keep it all in one place while reducing overhead (but only if you intend to really dig in and make a lot of changes), just add the Template: twentytwelve line to a copy Twenty Twelve’s entire style.css as your own style.css in your Child Theme and do not add the @import line and WordPress will read only your sheet rather than reading yours *and* Twenty Twelve’s.

    Moderator cubecolour


    This should do it:

    article .entry-meta,
    article .entry-meta a {
    	color: #bada55;

    This would be added to either the child theme or added using the jetpack custom css editor – whichever you prefer.

    You would need to change the defined colour as required. I use #bada55 as a placeholder colour.

    You could also expand on this to make separate rules to differentiate between linked & unlinked text and to add a hover state if that is required

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