hello michael – i have your wonderful plug-in installed in a WP multi-user (mu) environment.
in order to go through and change all existing WP sites from one second to two seconds (for example) it looks as if the best way would be to get all the wp_###_options tables, and maybe with an editor (or php) use something like this as a template:
UPDATE wp_###_options
SET option_value = ‘a:1:{s:13:”wldelay_delay”;i:2;}’
AND option_name = ‘wldelay_options’
AND option_value = ‘a:1:{s:13:”wldelay_delay”;i:1;}’
or there is probably something i could have easily done in the source code beforehand, maybe change a global default somewhere to whatever i want.
do you have any opinion on this, or a better idea for me?
THANK YOU for your hard work and your efforts to keep WP safe. the attacks seem to be getting relentless.