• I have set up a functional Xpress 2.0X (WordPress for Xoops)…now how do I go about creating multiple blogs for the various users of my site? Ever since 2004 (from searching the forums), people have been talking about multiblogs, but has there been any advancement at all? Many of the links in the multiple blog page on this website are also broken too.

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  • I can’t create multiblogs too.
    We have that command line in wp-config.php like this:

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.

    global $table_prefix;

    $table_prefix = $GLOBALS[“xoopsDB”]->prefix(“wp”).’_’;

    If we change table_prefix (FROM (“wp”) TO (“xx”)) or another (to create multiple blogs, Wrodpress goes to INSTALL.PHP. Ok.
    But, how can I star the new blog?
    Or, the question that insist to stay without answer!!! -> CAN I CONTROL USERS ON THE BLOGS if users are registered members only in XOOPS?
    Or, for each blog we will have a users-file-control??? <– is this the unique solution?

    Please, help.

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