Well, yes I do want to change the appearance of the posts area. However, that is not all the problematic situations I’m dealing with on this page.
In visiting my site, you can see the “Inspirations/Blog at the top. It is hyperlinked to take the viewer right back to this same page, not to a place where they can post or discuss. (Putting a hyperlink on any page to take the viewer back to the page they were just on is not being fair to my viewers.)
Then right under that are the words, “What inspires us?” I have no idea how that got there as it was suppose to be placed on the “blog” page, not this static front page. (Krishma, I did take your suggestion and created two pages, one being the static front page and one being a blank “blog” page. That’s all I’ve done with that blog page as yet.)
Then directly under that is another hyperlink which takes the reader to my primary domain’s inspirational material. A hyperlink taking viewers to my primary domain and a link taking viewers to where they can post are the only two links I want on my static front page; However, I wanted them on the right side where the categories/menue is suppose to show in this WP theme.
Then on this same horizontal line is another hyperlink that, again, takes the viewer right back to this same page they are looking at. This link is not needed because, as stated above, I just want two links (one to primary domain and one to blog page).
Then if you scroll down you see my text on the left side. This worked well; however, there is a place to post at the bottom, which I don’t want on my static page.
Then on the right side are “recent posts”, “recent comments” (which means the same to me as “recent posts”), “archives” (which I don’t want) “DISCUSSIONS WELCOMED ….” which is fine (if it had the categories/menues under it), “Meta” (which I have no idea what this is), then 5 more hyperlinks.
The 5 hyperlinks are:
“Register” … I really don’t want people to have to feel they have to register or be a member of anything to talk here.
“Entries RSS” … I have no idea what this is nor why I would need it.
“Comments RSS” … Again, I have no idea what this is nor why I would need it.
“www.remarpro.com” … I don’t mind WP advertising their organizatin here as I think it is a reputable organization. However, it is also advertised at the bottom on the left side; so I see no reason to have both.
I’m confused about why the right side of this theme is there. I thought it was to identify the categories/menue of what could be discussed; that it would have hyperlinks connecting those categories/menues to the blog page. Is this not accurate?