I did not see the arrows at the bottom of the page. Sometimes the public will not see what you see.
In the footer on the bottom left, I see.
“Seed Theme by Organic Themes – WordPress Hosting RSS Feed Log in”
If you do not want this at the bottom of your page in the footer, you can modify the footer.php file.
1. From your dashboard, select Appearance, then Editor.
2. From the list of files on the far right select:
Footer (footer.php).
3. Scroll down until you see this text:
“Seed Theme by Organic Themes – WordPress Hosting RSS Feed Log in”
4. Add comment tags around the text so that it looks like this:
<!– Seed Theme by Organic Themes – WordPress Hosting RSS Feed Log in –>
5. save the file and view.
Another way is to modify this class by adding display: none;
.footer-content a {
color: #999999;
display: none;
However, “by” will still be visible so it’s best to comment it out from the footer.php file.