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  • Hey there Dan!

    Thanks for posting! While I myself am not part of the development team for this plugin, I’d be happy to pass along any requests or suggested improvements to the resources that are available to me on my end. Any chance you could provide a bit more information in regards to your suggestions and some of the reasoning/enhancements that you believe would come with those changes? This would allow me to package the feedback in a way that ensures it gets considered as effectively as possible. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Dan Bernardic


    Thank you. As for reasoning – it is considered a site optimization technique to load javascript in the footer. Your team probably knows this, but they could look at this if they do not:

    The change would be – in at lines 91 and 92:

    wp_enqueue_script('jquery_scrollto', MCSF_URL.'js/scrollTo.js', array('jquery'), MCSF_VER);
    wp_enqueue_script('mailchimpSF_main_js', MCSF_URL.'js/mailchimp.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-form'), MCSF_VER);

    Just change it to:

    wp_enqueue_script('jquery_scrollto', MCSF_URL.'js/scrollTo.js', array('jquery'), MCSF_VER, apply_filters( 'mailchimpSF_scripts_in_footer', false ) );
    wp_enqueue_script('mailchimpSF_main_js', MCSF_URL.'js/mailchimp.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-form'), MCSF_VER, apply_filters( 'mailchimpSF_scripts_in_footer', false ) );

    Thanks! Let me know if you have further questions.

    Thanks Dan,

    I’ve made note of your reply and will be passing it along. Appreciate you taking the time to provide that explanation.


    I’m also interested in this change, Google PageSpeed recommends against content-blocking JavaScript (including scripts in the header).

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