Thank you. As for reasoning – it is considered a site optimization technique to load javascript in the footer. Your team probably knows this, but they could look at this if they do not:
The change would be – in at lines 91 and 92:
wp_enqueue_script('jquery_scrollto', MCSF_URL.'js/scrollTo.js', array('jquery'), MCSF_VER);
wp_enqueue_script('mailchimpSF_main_js', MCSF_URL.'js/mailchimp.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-form'), MCSF_VER);
Just change it to:
wp_enqueue_script('jquery_scrollto', MCSF_URL.'js/scrollTo.js', array('jquery'), MCSF_VER, apply_filters( 'mailchimpSF_scripts_in_footer', false ) );
wp_enqueue_script('mailchimpSF_main_js', MCSF_URL.'js/mailchimp.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-form'), MCSF_VER, apply_filters( 'mailchimpSF_scripts_in_footer', false ) );
Thanks! Let me know if you have further questions.