• hi!
    this is my scenario: i created an animation with flash, where a character moves depending on where you click, so if you click on button A the character moves and does something, if you click on button B he moves and does something else. I converted this swf with swiffy, and that’s good.
    Now i would like to embed this swiffy file inside a wordpress header, so that it replaces the navigation menu the problem is that now when i click on button A (i assigned a navigatetourl inside flash) the page reloads, and so i’m missing the animation of course
    i tried to install the advanced ajax plugin, but it is not working for the swiffy buttons (it works only for the wordpress navigation menu though)
    basically i would like to load the wordpress content inside the main div, clicking on the swiffy buttons, without iframes
    is there any solution for this?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I know little about Flash, but I have a thought that may lead to something. If it’s all wrong, it’s due to my lack of understanding and I apologize. Since it might help, here it is FWIW.

    I’m assuming normally this animation runs and then the URL set in navigatetourl is requested as soon as the animation completes. So it sounds like this request, after the swiffy conversion, is sent immediately with the initiation of the animation.

    So I’m thinking the thing to do is remove the navigatetourl setting and have the page request be sent when some event triggers on the page if that’s possible. Or the script that occurs on the button press that initiates the animation could somehow idle until the animation completes before sending the request.

    I obviously have huge gaps in my knowledge, but I know even dumb ideas can sometimes lead to good solutions by triggering a new thought in someone that actually knows something.

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