• Hi, I have a problem when NextGen Gallery is activated which is very strange and can’t figure out what causes it and how to solve it.

    I will describe in short what I did and what exactly is happening:

    1. I’m migrating to a new WP theme and updated NextGen Gallery from 1.92 to 2.x (couple of minites ago I updated it to the latest version x.17)
    2. In settings (NGG -> Gallery Settings) I’ve choosen custom tempaltes for album and thumbnails (i made my custom templates and placed them into child/nggallery/album-nisdance.php and gallery-nisdance.php) and this work ok because I mostly copied original files and just changed some markup and class names
    3. I’ve changed some options in NGG -> Other options due to my needs and erased NGG’s permalink slug (but on other computer I have Permalink slug nggallery and problems are the same)

    Problem I have now is (when NextGen Gallery is activated):
    1. on frontend – for every page I open WP returns index template (website.com/gallery, website.com/about-us etc. opens index page)
    2. on backend – when I open NGG -> Other Options and Save it – it redirects me to root website url (website.com) not back to settings page
    3. on backend – when I open Posts -> All posts and want to go to page 2 I get this link – website.com/?paged=2 instead of website.com/wp-admin/edit.php?paged=2 (this sitaution is for every content type – even NGG galleries because I have 50+ galleries separated in multiple pages)

    When I deactivate NGG everything works ok.

    I’ve deactivated all plugins (instead ov Ultimate Maintenance Mode – but tried to deactivate it and results are the same). For permalinks I have “%postname%.htm” which worked well before.

    Does anyone had similar problem or maybe idea why is this happening and how to solve it?

    Thanks in advance. Milan


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @milan: Wow. Something has obviously gone wrong with paths and URLs. I’m particularly surprised that you said you have this same set of problems on two different instances? Are the symptoms exactly the same on both sites?

    The first thing I’d suggest is just manually refreshing your plugin files to make sure everything is installed in the right place. There are steps for manually updating here:


    For now, I’d also ask that you avoid using any custom templates. Let’s just confirm we can get it working properly without any special customizations first. Let’s also keep the NextGEN slug (nggallery) in place and avoid customizing that field.

    Next, I’d like to ask if you could please momentarily deactivate all other plugins just long enough to confirm if the issue still persists? If you are willing, I’d also like to ask if you could do the same with your theme – please change themes just long enough to see if the issue goes away.

    If none of that helps, I’d ask if you could please submit a bug report with login credentials so we could please take a look?


    Thread Starter Milan Stosic


    Ok, I’ve investigated a little more and found when this error occurs.

    As I suspected, problem occurs when you delete NGG -> Other options -> Miscellaneous -> Permalink slug. After you do this there is no way to get slug back because for some reason urls are mixed-up and you can’t save NGG Other options again (it redirects you to root website.com).

    I’ve solved my problem directly in DB with this flow:
    1. deactivated NGG plugin in WP admin
    2. delated (actually renamed first) ngg_options in wp_options table
    3. activated NGG plugin again which added new ngg_options row to wp_options table with default values.

    After this everything works fine – until I delete Permalink slug again (so I won’t do it again :)).

    Further more, I did diff of 2 ngg_options (one with permalink slug and other without) but I couldn’t figure out what exactly causes the problem . I’ve seen some ‘…&quot’ text which isn’t in “good” file but you’ll se what the problems is when you do your diff.

    Thanks for fast response and I hope I helped. If you need further details, please let me know.

    P.S. I did what you told me – deactivated all plugins and changed theme and problems are the same.

    How do I get “www.example.com/gallery/abc/image1/, https://www.example.com/gallery/abc/image2/… etc.,” when image browser is enabled. solution expected at the earliest. thanks

    Just to add my .02 in, I had the same issue as the OP when I deleted the slug. I clicked on the Gallery settings inside the admin panel, and it forwarded me to the docroot.


    Thank you so much for your answer!!! You saved me. After a couple of frustrating hours (over something that should not have been that complicated) I found your instructions and they worked perfectly!

    Solved: Just change Setting->Permalinks to its default and then test your gallery, if its okay, You can change permalinks as you wish.

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