Gravatars problem
I have installed Skippys gravatar plugin and I have also registered my avatar at gravatar.comI am using k2 theme and I am not able to get the gravatars working !
The php code for gravatar in comments.php is this
<?php if (function_exists(‘gravatar’)) { ?>“><img src=”<?php gravatar(“X”, 32, get_bloginfo(‘template_url’).”/images/defaultgravatar.jpg”); ?>” class=”gravatar” alt=”<?php _e(‘Gravatar Icon’,’k2_domain’); ?>” /><?php } ?>The generated HTML (for 2 comments is this) every comment (including mine), the id generated is this:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
However my gravata_id is completely different and it seems to show up properly in the Administration page -> Users -> Gravatars
Am I making some dumb mistake ?
My blog is at
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