Okay actually, now that I’ve seen your actual site setup, the code is different and it’s sort of split into three sections, so you need to change three things to adjust what you want:
a) This is some css that controls the top portion, which is where the top border line comes from:
#outerheader {
To change the color of the line, you can change the border-color value above.
b) This is the css that controls the text box background itself.
#outerafterheader {
So you can change the background-color value of your text box there.
c) To change the color of the lower line, you need to adjust this border-color:
#outermain {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
border-color: #E4E4E4;
You’ll need to find those attributes and make these changes in your site css file (style.css, in most cases). You CAN technically do this by logging in and editing Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > style.css.
But before you make any changes, take a look at the child theme or custom css options I linked to above. If you just make changes to the klasik theme css, then your changes will be overwritten if you have to update the theme in the future.