• I’m trying to customize the background for the post title on the Klasik theme but that option does not exist and I am unable to find the php file to make that change or where to make it on the stylesheet. Any thoughts?

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  • The whole post title line is defined using this code: <h2 class="posttitle">

    So, depending what you want to accomplish, you could add some css to style that tag the way you want it to appear. How do you want to adjust it?

    If you’re going to make css changes, you should consider creating a child theme or using a custom css plugin, so that your changes are not lost next time the theme is updated!

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Thanks Lettergrade for responding. Where is that code located? Can’t find it for the life of me.

    Here is my website: northpa.com. As you can see the post/page title has an off white or very light blue background with slightly darker borders. I’d like to play around with the color of that background, making it either a lighter blue or a darker blue. I’d want to adjust the color of the text as well.

    Thanks again.

    Okay actually, now that I’ve seen your actual site setup, the code is different and it’s sort of split into three sections, so you need to change three things to adjust what you want:

    a) This is some css that controls the top portion, which is where the top border line comes from:

    #outerheader {

    To change the color of the line, you can change the border-color value above.

    b) This is the css that controls the text box background itself.

    #outerafterheader {

    So you can change the background-color value of your text box there.

    c) To change the color of the lower line, you need to adjust this border-color:

    #outermain {
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
        border-color: #E4E4E4;

    You’ll need to find those attributes and make these changes in your site css file (style.css, in most cases). You CAN technically do this by logging in and editing Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > style.css.

    But before you make any changes, take a look at the child theme or custom css options I linked to above. If you just make changes to the klasik theme css, then your changes will be overwritten if you have to update the theme in the future.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Apologies, but one more question. Having the same issue attempting to change the post/page title font color. I’ve tried every location in both PHP and the CSS stylesheet with no luck. I’m able to change the font family, the font size… but not the color.

    Sure, currently it’s the following:

    .pagetitle {
        color: #444444;

    Try changing that color value to the one you want!

    Have you tried Firebug? It’s a really easy tool in the Firefox browser that makes it simple to find the attributes on elements on any page. Here’s a tutorial, if you’re interested: Inspecting WordPress with Firebug

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Using Inspect Element I think I found the place in the Heading.PHP just below where I was making the earlier changes, but here is how the code looks in that file. Where would I change the color?

    <div id=”afterheader” class=”twelve columns”>

    $custom = klasik_get_customdata();
    $cf_desc = (isset($custom[“page-desc”][0]))? $custom[“page-desc”][0] : “”;

    echo ‘<span class=”pagedesc”>’.$cf_desc.'</span>’;

    Sure, but it’s just a style attribute so you would change the code I gave you in your css stylesheet. For instance, if you wanted the text to be white, you would go to your css stylesheet, find the .pagetitle attribute and change it like this:

    .pagetitle {
        color: #ffffff;
    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I’ve already tried that. It’s one of the first things on the stylesheet and I’ve been able to change the font size and font family, but the color won’t change.

    I think the same selector exists in two places in your styles (line 350 and line 549, according to Firebug), and one is overwriting the other. Take a look around for the second one?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    OK. Will do. I saw that too on Inspect Element w/ Chrome.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Thanks once again for your assistance. Unfortunately, I just can’t find that second .pagetitle attribute. I’ll have to stick with the template I guess.

    Found it! It’s in one of the extra css files that comes in klasik. It’s on line 21 of the file color.css, and it looks like this:


    Thread Starter [email protected]


    You’re awesome. Thank you. Had to go into my FTP to find that file but it was a learning experience. I really appreciate it. Enjoy the weekend.

    No problem, you too!

    Need help For some reason all of my text is appearing right justified and punctuation is appearing at the beginning of sentences. This appears to be the default setting and I can’t figure out how to correct it. If you reply, be very specific…I’m new to this. Thanks

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