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  • Hi Sarah,
    We have looked into it and it seems like “data-share-url” attribute of the sharing interface container div doesn’t have complete URL of the associated webpage.

    Please follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
    1. open “wp-content\plugins\simplified-social-share\LoginRadius_socialShare.php”.
    2. Search following code (3 occurrences):-
    Replace the code mentioned above with following (all the 3 occurrences):-
    3. Search following code:-
    Replace the code mentioned above with following:-
    4. Save the file.

    It should resolve the issue, please let us know if you need further assistance.



    i have the same problem here , i trird the steps that you posted and the share doesn’t work, i always get this link “” and there’s no displayed image.

    how can i fix it please?


    Hi Tanitdes,

    It seems, you are using sharing at localhost. Facebook automatically captures images from the url being shared. In your case, this url is otu of reach (offline) of Facebook. That’s why images are not displayed in the shared content. Please try this with an online website.

    If you still face the issue, do let us know

    i wannna display a whole content, when i click on any icon to
    share my post. here only show title with link and images.
    how to display post like a page post.
    please response fast.thanks

    Hi Ravi Rai,

    Can you provide your website URL so that we can look into the issue?



    Hello All,

    I have same issue here.

    My website :
    Wordpress up to date version

    I’m using the horizontal social bar of the Simplified Social Sharing pluggin

    Issue : when trying to share my page through the FB button I don’t get what it should be. The image is the mobile phone displayed in my page (when it should be the meta property I defined for the image), the description text is wrong too, it takes a text I have on a pop-up form (when it should take the Description meta property).

    And for information, the LinkedIn sharing button takes the right image and info.

    Thank you

    Hi Friends.

    When I am trying to share a post only this text “” is showing inside share box. This issue is happening in some post not all post. Please help me.

    I am facing same problem when I am trying toshare this post …

    You have redirection from to
    So Facebook had cached data for
    Facebook was displaying that cached data against short URL for your page.
    We have cleared that cached by using following Facebook debug tool
    Now Facebook sharing works properly for your site.

    @ adi8747
    We have tested your web page and tried to debug it with Facebook tool
    We got some warnings like
    The ‘og:url’, ‘og: image’, ‘og:description’, ‘og:title’ property should be explicitly provided.
    As you have not set these meta properties for your page, that is why Facebook is sharing random image and description.
    Please set these meta property for proper Facebook sharing.
    Hope this helps!

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