I think so, but not sure. Here is the “…images/header-img.php” file, it names the jpg you refer to (which does exist) but I can’t tell if it actually uses it:
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Default_Theme
/** @ignore */
$img = 'kubrickheader.jpg';
// If we don't have image processing support, redirect.
if ( ! function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg') )
die(header("Location: kubrickheader.jpg"));
// Assign and validate the color values
$default = false;
$vars = array('upper'=>array('r1', 'g1', 'b1'), 'lower'=>array('r2', 'g2', 'b2'));
foreach ( $vars as $var => $subvars ) {
if ( isset($_GET[$var]) ) {
foreach ( $subvars as $index => $subvar ) {
$length = strlen($_GET[$var]) / 3;
$v = substr($_GET[$var], $index * $length, $length);
if ( $length == 1 ) $v = '' . $v . $v;
$$subvar = hexdec( $v );
if ( $$subvar < 0 || $$subvar > 255 )
$default = true;
} else {
$default = true;