• Just installed a new WordPress 3.6 site yesterday and installed this plugin.

    Running the “Twenty Thirteen” default theme I tried using this to create a three column listing.


    This produced this HTML-code:

    <p><div class='one_third'>A</div><div class='one_third'>B</div><div class='one_third last_column'>C</div><div class='clear_column'></div></p>

    Also saw listed on another support thread the example:


    Which for me produces:

    <p><div class='one_half'>.A..<br /></div><div class='one_half last_column'>.B..<br /></div><div class='clear_column'></div></p>

    Guessing this has to do with version 3.6 but really love this plugin and want it to work.


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  • Similar issue here, but I’m just seeing the extra </p> tag at the very end of my columns, after the clear div, as well. Otherwise the code is perfect.

    <div class='one_third'>
    <p>Section text here</p>
    <div class='one_third'>
    <p>Section text here</p>
    <div class='one_third last_column'>
    <p>Section text here</p>
    <div class='clear_column'></div>

    It’s just that last /p tag that’s out of place. I’m running wp 3.6 as well.

    Old post but the answer is due to WordPress’s “autop” filter.

    In your functions.php file add:

    remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');

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