• once I publish my blog it is displayed wholly on the main page…

    I want short part of my blog to be displayed on the main page and the rest should be read when the users click READ MORE… link…

    how can I dod that?

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  • Insert “more” mark into your article and insert “read whole article” as the first parameter of the_content() function

    <?php the_content('read whole article &raquo;'); ?>

    But what if I want an image to display instead of text? I tried passing the url as a parameter but it doesn’t work because I’m trying to concatenate <i>bloginfo(‘template_url’)</i> with other HTML in the first parameter of function <i>the_content()</i>.

    What I get is the template url displayed in front of the story text an the image is obviously not displayed.

    Here is the line in the index.php:

    the_content(“<center><img src=” . bloginfo(‘template_url’) . “/img/READMORE.jpg></center>”);

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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