• I’m terribly frustrated by the fact that

    1. WordPress doesn’t seem to be able to generate thumbnails from large (i.e. 2000 px wide) images.

    2. Thumbnail sizes are hardcoded into the WP core itself.

    At least, that’s the gist of what people seem to be saying when I searched for a simple way to make thumbnails a bigger size.

    Both of these seem like they would be an EASY thing for the WP programmers to fix — add an option that generates thumbnails even if the file is humongous (sure, it uses up a little server time, but that’s my time to waste, right? sure, it uses a lot of bandwidth to have large files, but it’s my server and my bandwidth to waste, right?), and have there be an easy way to change the default thumbnail sizes (i.e. set a maximum height/width).

    I’m somewhat surprised that such a well-developed and otherwise easy-to-use blog system has almost non-existent thumbnail flexibility…

    Maybe I’m wrong and it has this ability, but after wasting two days poking around the Codex, I’ve found nothing which implies as much.

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  • I hate getting frustrated. I use Image Manager. I’ve heard PhotoPress works.

    Thread Starter fastfission


    I’ve tried using Image Manager and it has not been successful at doing this simple thing so far. I will keep playing with it.

    I still think these very simple feature requests could and should be implemented, though, whether there are plug-ins that will hypothetically fix the problem. They have already set up the whole system to use plug-ins, why not make it work well? I am not familiar enough with the WP codebase to want to try and make all the edits myself but I know these are easy fixes in terms of PHP coding, and should not require fancy javascript plugins (which seem to be variously incompatible with different browsers and systems).

    Thread Starter fastfission


    Here’s a post which discusses the relevant code. I don’t see any great reason that WP hardcodes these values. I’ll try and tinker with them myself… but this seems like a pretty reasonably feature request…

    i agree. i just started using WP, and everything has been so smooth, then i hit the thumbnail size problem, and thats a wall. there needs to be some easy way of changing thumbnail sizes. they are way too small for a photo blog now, and like fastfission said, it wont generate a thumb if you have a very large thumb. seems silly….any reason to not have this option when posting?

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