Hi Tradedog- We’ve not tried to embed a Swipp slider into comments – interesting idea! Would love to know more about what you’re thinking and we can see if there’s a way to make it happen.
Re: “Not swipping more than once,” a Swipp with with “Standard Button” will only count the most-recent Swipp from a signed in individual. This was an intentional design decision, since how an individual feels about a topic may change over time. So, a signed-in individual can swipp more than once using the Standard Button, but only the most-recent swipp is counted in the overall swipp score.
On the other hand, we do allow multiple swipps on a topic using the quick slider. Other intentional trade-off, as we wanted to enable individuals to swipp a topic quickly without needing to go through a sign in process.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!