• I have multiple groups setup and I would like to only pull names when they appear from both groups.

    for example i would like something like…

    [simple-staff-list group=”Coach” group=”BaseBall”]

    so in one page i could list all coaches but in another page, i could list only BaseBall Coaches.

    Basically looking for an and / or inside the groups?!? Does this exist?


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  • I’m curious on this too. I figured out there’s a way to COMBINE two groups under one shortcode. We have medical staff operating in multiple locations so so for instance, our Clinic Staff in Atlanta VS Clinic Staff in Alabama. Doing that classification for all the other departments and locations we have would be an utter pain to make new groups for every combination.

    how it works now: [simple-staff-list group=”Coach, BaseBall”] will list users from both groups

    But I want to say “only show Staff members that apply to all groups listed groups” – not “only show Staff members that apply to any group listed”

    Hope this makes sense? Not sure if something exists in the code and i’m just missing it. I stumbled uppon the “,” example. Either way that “,” feature should be explained in the Usage page

    I think I poked around with some of the normal syntax for math equations a tiny bit more.

    Can anyone else let me know if “+” works?

    *based of the above sample from rochoje: [simple-staff-list group=”Coach + BaseBall”]

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