Ok I discover it activing pro version.
But I see that there isn’t a full integration with buddypress:
1. The panel for creation and modify maps/icons is not in buddypress’ panel, but in another places.
2. When a member put an icon, the name or link at that member not display automatic on his icon’s popup!
3. There is a fantastic panel of the RECENTLY ICONS PUT BY ALL MEMBERS, but this panel is not in buddypress’panel but in another place.
4. The RECENTLY ICONS PUT BY ALL MEMBERS NOT SEND ANY NOTIFY. It is uncomfortable. This notifications should be settable by 10km, 20km, 30km or more because we are on a map’s shelf/board, not on facebook!
Can’t I do this all things with this plugin, or the plugin give a way for do all this and I don’t know it?
However I will purchase this plugin IF someone tell me exactly how I must modify this plugin by editor.
Thank you