• Resolved giova_kde


    Under the title of the post I would like to hide the text “Posted on August 7, 2013 18:30 by admin” and change the text “This entry was posted in and tagged Barnabiti bibliography Bibliography Publications Bibliographical review studies aimed Bookmark the Edit” in “tag Barnabiti bibliography Bibliography Publications Bibliographical review studies aimed Edit”


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  • Theme Author nobita


    Hi giova_kde

    Please open functions.php and add to below code.

    About posted on

    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_on', '__return_false' );


    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_on', 'your_function' );
    function your_function( $content ){
    return 'hello world';

    About posted_in

    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_in', '__return_false' );


    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_in', 'your_function2' );
    function your_function2( $content ){
    return 'Have a nice day';

    Thank you

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    Thanks. I opened the function and added the code, but restarting the page shows yet the text that I would like to delete. Why? I am sending you the position in which I pasted the code. Maybe this, the error?

     * functions and constants for Raindrops theme
     * @package Raindrops
     * @since Raindrops 0.1
    About posted on
    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_on',
    '__return_false' );
    About posted_in
    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_in',
    '__return_false' );
        if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {


    Theme Author nobita


    Please write below

    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_on', '__return_false' );
    add_filter( 'raindrops_posted_in', '__return_false' );
     * functions and constants for Raindrops theme
     * @package Raindrops
     * @since Raindrops 0.1

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    Perfect. It works! Only so it disappears also refers to the tag that, instead, I would like in the foot

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    tags can not be seen if I open the individual post. you can see if the posts are called within the page.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    It works!

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    Error in homepage: Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-content/themes/raindrops/footer.php on line 56 Raindrops Theme

    This is footer.php (50-69)

    printf( $raindrops_address_html,
    date( “Y” ),
    get_bloginfo( ‘rss2_url’ ) ,
    esc_html__( “RSS” ),
    get_bloginfo( ‘comments_rss2_url’ ),
    esc_html__( ‘Commenti RSS’, “Studi Semeriani” )
    if( is_child_theme( ) ){

    $raindrops_theme_name = ‘Child theme ‘.esc_html( ucwords($raindrops_current_theme_name ) ).’ of ‘. esc_html__( “Raindrops Theme”,”Raindrops” );

    $raindrops_theme_name = esc_html__( “Raindrops Theme”,”Raindrops” );
    printf( ‘ <small>%s</small>  ‘,



    Thread Starter giova_kde


    OK. Now it works perfectly. I picked up the previous file in the folder that is on the server thema.


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