• I want to change the menu words to a turquoise color instead of the gray and also chang the color of the social links. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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  • In your dashboard area, go to Appearance->Customiz’It. Expand the “Custom CSS” option on the resulting page.

    Here, you can add the following in order to change the colour of the menu words. Replace COLOURVALUE with the hex value that corresponds with the colour you want your text to be:

    .navbar .nav > li > a {
    color: COLOURVALUE;

    If your social links are placed in your site’s header area, add the following CSS to change their colour.

    .social-block a {
    color: COLOURVALUE;

    Let me know if your social links are placed in your site’s footer or sidebar as this will require slightly different CSS.

    Again, for the above example, replace COLOURVALUE with the hex value that corresponds with the colour you want your text to be. You can find colours and their corresponding codes here: https://html-color-codes.com/

    Hope that helps! Let me know if anything needs clarifying.

    I looked at that this morning, but it didn’t work for me. Still thinking why.

    rdellconsulting: Ah, I just read the small print for this theme’s Custom CSS field:

    Always use this field to add your custom css instead of editing directly the style.css file : it will not be deleted during theme updates. Special characters like quotes or inferior/superior signs will not be accepted in this field as they might be used for malicious purposes. If your custom css includes some of these characters, just create a child theme and write it down in the style.css file.

    Therefore, it won’t apply changes for this selector as it has “superior signs” – .navbar .nav > li > a

    Sorry for not spotting this earlier – I was just working with the CSS via the browser’s inspector and just assumed it would work!

    citi11411: Instead of entering the CSS I gave in the theme’s custom CSS field, try creating a child theme and entering it into your child theme’s style.css file instead.

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