Ok folks… Here is what I discovered piecing together some information from some of the posts…
First… symptom: After upgrading a virgin 2.0.2 install to 2.0.4 I ran into error “You don’t have permission to do that.” as described in the first post.
1. I use Firefox – I logged out.
2. I tried IE6 — (Never ran the WP account with IE) links and posts deleted fine just as in 2.0.2
I figured this was a cookie problem…
3. Went into Firefox options, security, opened cookie tab looked for all the cookies associated with the domain that the new WP installation was in and deleted all of them
4. Closed browser
5. Made sure I was logged off in IE
6. Logged into WP using Firefox
PRESTO… I could delete links and posts…
Not sure if I have any other issues… but given the spooky way some of the theads sounded it reminded me of authorization issues with the Plantinum Nuke CMS site I run. Cookies can really bite you in the butt if you are not careful!!!
Hopefully this might help some of you with this problem.
Also… I did run the force-installation.php patched and it did NOT help me, but since there might be a correlation with me running that before I cleared the Firefox cookies I thought I would mention it here…
Good luck…