• Hello.

    I’m trying to fix a page list system in WordPress. I have searched everywhere and tried many codes found on different places and reading the WordPress codex…

    Here’s the structure that I’d like to achieve:

    “Projects” is the mainpage. On this mainpage I’d like to have it’s subpages listed like:
    -> Project 1
    -> Project 2
    -> project 3 etc…

    On every subpage listed above there will be more subpages related to them (let’s say we click on “Project 1”, I’d like to display these subpages):
    -> Subpage 1 of project 1
    -> Subpage 2 of project 1
    -> Subpage 3 of project 1 etc…

    Now let’s say I click on “Subpage 1” this page will be displayed BUT I’d also like to display the other subpages related to “project 1”. So if I click on “Subpage 1” I’d like to display “Subpage 2” and “Subapge 3”.

    I really hope you understand what I’d like to achieve here.

    Here’s the code I’m working on and trying trying to fix my issue. Or maybe I’m doing it all wrong?

        <li id="parent-page">Projects</li>
        $args123 = array(
        'title_li'			=> '',
        'child_of'			=> $post->post_parent,
        'sort_column'		=> post_date,
        'sort_order'		=> desc,
        'echo'				=> 0,
        'depth'				=> '1'
        $args456 = array(
        'title_li'			=> '',
        'child_of'			=> $post->ID,
        'sort_column'		=> post_date,
        'sort_order'		=> desc,
        'echo'				=> 0,
        'depth'				=> '1'
        $pages22 = get_pages($args123);
        $pages22 = get_pages($args345);
        $count = 0;
        foreach($pages22 as $page)
        $content = $page->page_parent;
        $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
        <li id="pages"><a href="<?php echo get_page_link($page->ID) ?>"><?php echo $page->post_title ?></a></li>
        <li class="sub-list"><?php echo get_post_meta($page->ID,'video',true); echo get_post_meta($page->ID,'text_vimeo',true); ?></li>
        <?php } ?>

    The code above works like this now:

    The mainpage “Projects” display ALL pages (even other mainpages).

    Subpage “Project 1” display all other subpages (Project 2, Project 3..) and their respective subpages.

    Subpage 1 of project 1 displays “correct” except that the page itself is also displayed.

    How to go further from here?

    Kind regards

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