I’m sure that you are going to curse me by the end of this. Thanks for the response.
This does work better but its still missing some things.
It needs the ‘click read the rest of this article’ link at the end of the excerpt. I put the code from josh123 above after the code that Greg Priday suggested and that does open it the full post. However the ‘read the rest of this entry’ link remains after the full content is displayed. It also disables the social sharing buttons that I have set up.
As well it disables the image gallery or single image for that particular post. I set a single featured image for the post however when you click on the excerpt title to go to the full post it displays the featured image and then the gallery of images underneath. or on a single image it displays the image twice.
ideally what I was trying to achieve was a blog page separate to the home page that had the post excerpt with the images (mostly I have more than one image so it is displayed in the gallery slider) which you could then click on to go to the full post.
I also tried the ‘thumbnail for excerpts’ plugin but that doesn’t work when your post has a gallery of images. It only works when your post has a single image attached to it and I liked the origami slider for images in the posts.
I appreciate and thank you for your support.