Ok now I see whats wrong with your code, this also explains the “0-0” problem ??
You have inserted the columns in the wrong order, as i mentioned above: In the header, you have “M?l Diff OTW OTL”, but in the table itself you have OTW and OTL first.
I guess you have fixed the 0-0 problem in the league settings, point format? You can change it back to %d-%d, so that the goals are displayed correctly.
Then change your displayStandingsColumns to the following code, and your columns should be in the right order and OTW and OTL should also be right-aligned:
function displayStandingsColumns( $team, $rule )
global $leaguemanager;
$league = $leaguemanager->getCurrentLeague();
echo '<td class="num">';
if ( is_admin() && $rule == 'manual' )
echo '<input type="text" size="2" name="custom['.$team->id.'][points2][plus]" value="'.$team->points2_plus.'" /> : <input type="text" size="2" name="custom['.$team->id.'][points2][minus]" value="'.$team->points2_minus.'" />';
printf($league->point_format2, $team->points2_plus, $team->points2_minus);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="num">'.$team->diff.'</td>';
echo '<td class="num">'.$this->getNumWonMatchesOvertime($team->id).'</td>';
echo '<td class="num">'.$this->getNumLostMatchesOvertime($team->id).'</td>';