Hi you all, the developer here. I′m sorry that I haven′t replied to all questions. I haven′t had so much time to do that (working full time, kids bla bla).
Since alot of people would like a setting to be able to decide which wp roles that can edit the tables I will try to add that option in a future release. For you who are in a hurry and knows a little bit of php heres a way to do it right away (at your own risk ?? )
In the file websimon_tables.php there is a function named websimon_tables_plugin_page with the if statement.
if (!current_user_can('manage_options'))
wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') );
here you can change ‘manage_options’ to ‘edit_posts’ for example if you want that your editor can change the tables.