• Resolved cannect


    Hi all,

    I want to combine two fields to show up in one colomn. Like this:

    $manage_fields = array(
                    'customer.firstname' => array('label' => 'Customer'), // this row combined with this one:
                    'customer.surname' => array('label' => 'Customer'),
                    'created' => array('label' => 'Date')

    Is that possible?

    I cant find anything about it in the great docs, so thats why I ask it ??


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  • Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    No, this is not yet supported. But you can get around it by hooking into any column with a filter to change the value output.

    add_filter( 'yourpod_field_value', 'my_combine_fields', 10, 5 );
    function my_combine_fields ( $value, $field, $attributes, $row, $obj ) {
        if ( 'your_field' == $field ) {
            $value .= ' ' . $row[ 'your_other_field' ];
        return $value;
    Thread Starter cannect


    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the answer and sorry for my late reply. I was on another project some days.

    Every pods_ui wp-admin page has a Pod Search function. Can I get the search working on both the fields?


    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    There’s documentation on Pods UI here: https://pods.io/docs/code/pods-ui/

    You can set search_across and/or search_across_picks to true to search across all fields and relationship fields respectively.



    Can you elaborate? I want to join fields first_name and last_name. How could I make them appear in the same (first) column?

    Thread Starter cannect


    Hi Gabe462,

    As you can see, the code Scott already provided in this topic must be enough to accomplish this.

    add_filter( 'yourpod_field_value', 'my_combine_fields', 10, 5 );
    function my_combine_fields ( $value, $field, $attributes, $row, $obj ) {
        if ( 'your_field' == $field ) {
            $value .= ' ' . $row[ 'your_other_field' ];
        return $value;


    OK, my first reply was inadequate.

    What is ‘yourpod_field_value’? Are you saying that there is a hook created for every pod named ‘nameofpod_field_value’? I’ve not yet found a doc page for this…

    Plugin Contributor Josh Pollock



    Take a look at classes/PodsUI.php line 3329-332:

    if ( is_object( $this->pod ) )
                                        $row_value = $this->do_hook( $this->pod->pod . '_field_value', $row_value, $field, $attributes, $row );
                                    $row_value = $this->do_hook( 'field_value', $row_value, $field, $attributes, $row );

    Thanks for the pointer. I’m wondering if this is the wrong hook, because while I’ve set

    add_filter( 'student_field_value', 'my_combine_fields', 10, 5);

    my test is true:

    has_filter( 'student_field_value', 'my_combine_fields' ) )

    and my echo never prints

    function my_combine_fields( $value, $field, $attributes, $row, $obj ) {
        echo "<!-- my_combine_fields() -->";
        if ( 'first_name' == $field ) {
            $value .= ' ' . $row[ 'last_name' ];
        return $value;

    Any thoughts? Thanks much

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    The filters are all prefixed with pods_ui_, so that filter should be pods_ui_field_value or pods_ui_{your_pod}_field_value, sorry my original reply was incorrect.

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