• Hi Yoast-y ??

    Nice plugin! Thanks for making the effort and sharing it.

    WordPress version: 3.5.2
    WordPress SEO version: latest in WP plugin repo

    I did this: See below

    I expected the plugin to do this: See below

    Instead it did this: See below

    1) What recommendations might you have for running the plugin in WP MS?

    1.5) Might you have a list of the options you use? Both network and site? We’re currently favoring running Network plugins as must-use plugins and as an additional layer of security we’re “hardcoding” any options so even if someone makes Network level changes the hardcode value will rewrite on the next loading of mu-plugins. Make sense?

    2) I noticed that the the plugin’s MS setting for use default blog_id only applies to new networks added going forward. Is there are way to trick the plugin to doing that retroactively. That is, if we have 10 sites on the network and then we add this plugin, how can be apply a default to all of them?

    3) I’m not sure why it’s not working but I’ve tried:

    remove_action( ‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘wpseo_admin_bar_menu’, 100 );

    to remove the SEO bit from the admin bar. Any ideas as to why the remove isn’t working?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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