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  • Hi fguijarrob,

    It would help to have a link to your site so I can see it for myself but it’s likely a jQuery conflict. Your theme is probably loading an either out of date version of jQuery or an incompatible version. Your theme should be loading version 1.8.3 which is the latest supported version for WordPress core.

    If you can provide me a link to your website I can tell you for sure.

    – Jonah

    Thread Starter fguijarrob


    Thanks for your answer Jonah!!
    The website is but still developing!!
    I am not used to develope any programming code, so may I do something to correct the site??

    I have realized that if I actívate The Events Calendar, the main menú in the main page are not opening.

    If I deactivate this plugin, and put the mouse over the main menú (“home”, “services”, “who we work with”….), the submenú opens its options.

    Thank you so much for all your help and for your work!!

    Thread Starter fguijarrob


    Hi again jonahcoyote!
    I was checking the PRO versión and I definetely want to buy it but I do not know if the problema above is gonna appear again.
    I was trying to configure in different ways the widget but all the submenús are not opening while the Events Calendar widget is activated.
    Thank you for your help and advices!!

    Thread Starter fguijarrob


    Thanks for the new update because the problema explained above has resolved.
    However, it appears another problema with the new update.

    If I am in the home page and the mouse arrow is over the main menú (‘home, ‘services’, ‘who we work with’…) the submenú opens all the menu options.

    But if I click the option “Calendar”, I am going to Access to the Event Calendar page and now, if I put the arrow’s mouse over the main menu, the submenú options are NOT going to open them. This problem is the same one that it was happened from the Home page in the main menu before you updated the widget.

    If you want to check it, the home site is

    Another problema that I have is that can NOT show the calendar format, I just can choose the list option.

    Thank you so much for your help. I like so much this widget so if it Works for my site, I want to buy the PRO versión. Could you please help me with this problem????

    Thanks a lot!!!!!

    Hi fguijarrob,

    This is more an issue with the way your theme has been coded and we will likely not be able to help you with it (even if you do buy PRO). I would suggest you either contact your theme author or try and hire a developer to help you. It shouldn’t be too much work to fix – 30-60 minutes is what I would estimate.

    Sorry I can’t offer up more here. Good luck!


    Thread Starter fguijarrob


    Hi Jonah!
    Thank you for your post!
    Finally I decided to buy the PRO versión and the issue that I described disapeared (now, if you put the mouse’s arrow over the menú, the submenues open their options)

    However now I have the following errors and questions:

    – The minicalendar widget in the footer área is not been shown properly because the left and right arrows appear in a wrong position.

    – If I access to the “EVENTS” tab, if I put the mouse’s arrow over the menu’s options, the submenues are not opening I had the same problem in the main page before I installed the PRO widget’s version.

    – In the following link into the upper right corner where the text boxes “Event from..Date search” and “View as” appear, this two boxes are not been shown in the properly way. These two options are superimposed.

    – In the following link, Is it posible to resize the logo images??? (I would like to do them smaller than they are currently been shown)

    – In the “upcoming events” located into the FOOTER área, is it posible to choose smaller fonts for the links (“Atlanta apparel market 2013″…) than the current font size? On the top of this link, are showing two lines and a small orange arrow on the top and on the botton of the “Dallas Apparel & Accesories Market” text. How can I delete all this lines??

    – In the same last link, why are appearing in the “Related events” área (on the botton) the same red logo???? I would like that all of them appear just once.

    Thanks a lot for all your help!

    Hi fguijarrob,

    Excellent to hear you resolved you issue! For the other items, please post to our PRO forums one at a time and someone will be able to help you there.


    Thread Starter fguijarrob


    Ok Jonah!
    I have just posted it!
    Thanks a lot!!

    You’re welcome fguijarrob!

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