• Hey guys,

    My site is https://www.TucsonGolfEstates.com which is running wp 3.5.1 on a custom theme. I’ve been trying to improve the speed of my site, but I’m still getting load times of 5-10 seconds where I used to get 1-2 seconds. My yslow grade is 85%, and pingdom gives me either a score of 88 or 92/100. I’m using w3 total cache with page/browser/database cacheing and cdn through rackspace (which is also my host).

    I’ve tried every possible fix I could find on how to improve speed, but nothing seems to improve the loading time by much. Any suggestions?

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  • I see a few things that are slowing the site…

    The Google+ and Linked in scripts…is that part of your theme or a plugin?? If a plugin, try deactivating it. You will of course need to clear the server cache in W3 and also inform the CDN to pull in your site again.

    You also have multiple large images, around 1MB each.

    Looks like you have browser caching set up, which is good for return visitors, but not first visitors or those who block/clear browser caching.

    There appears to be a slideshow that should run but it did not…wait – it ran on refresh…might be that you are combining the js with W3 which is not pulling in the superfish slider/images correctly…

    Also getting this in chrome debugger:

    FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().

    So: Check with js not combined in W3, try to optimize your images, and check that social plugin, deactivate to test…

    Thread Starter tucsongolfer


    So, your suggestions bumped up my speed scores at gtmetrix.com, but I’m not seeing any actual boost in load time. First time load of the main page is still around 10 seconds even though I’ve reworked the js minify, cut down image sizes by over 3mb, and got rid of my social sharing plugin. This is frustrating, especially since subsequent loads are only 1-2 seconds with the browser cache enabled. Do you think having database or object caching can be slowing down the site rather than helping?

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