• Hello guys… I have a strange issue… When running WordPress multisite+https my 2 websites work just fine

    BUT the 3rd one has issue… if you open https://lupusliqueens.org it will redirect you to http. Interesting thing that redirect is Temporary (302 redirect) not Permanent.

    [root@bigone ~]# wget https://lupusliqueens.org/ –no-check-certificate
    –2013-06-12 03:09:39– https://lupusliqueens.org/
    Resolving lupusliqueens.org…
    Connecting to lupusliqueens.org||:443… connected.
    WARNING: certificate common name www.lupusinformation.org' doesn't match requested host namelupusliqueens.org’.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Moved Temporarily
    Location: https://lupusliqueens.org/ [following]
    –2013-06-12 03:09:41– https://lupusliqueens.org/
    Connecting to lupusliqueens.org||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
    Length: unspecified [text/html]
    Saving to: `index.html.1′

    [ <=> ] 66,074 175K/s in 0.4s

    2013-06-12 03:09:43 (175 KB/s) – `index.html.1′ saved [66074]

    For sure this is not server issue since https://lupusliqueens.org/wp-admin/ works fine and without redirects…

    Any advises please? I am stuck with this…

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