One thumbnail, multiple images
Setting up a wordpress site for a painter I am struggling for quite some time with a convenient way to display a diaporama without the burden for the user to go through a page with a hundred pictures or wrowsing through too many pages hosting groups of pictures.
As of now all the lightboxes I’ve tried failed in this with the last one exhibiting a faulty display only in IE : I’m back to the start.
Then I saw something about galleria and stumbled upon your plugin page where you wrote :
fsg_link keyword Adds link to group of images. eg. [fsg_link class="btn" include="112,113,114,115"]View[/fsg_link] See live example here (View Online -button). include - specify list of images (default is all images attached to post/page) class - class for a tag (default is none) order - ASC or DESC (default is ASC) orderby - See wordpress doc for all the options (default is post__in)
and the live example is exactly what I need. Except that I don’t understand how to implement this in wordpress.
Anyone to give some help please ?
Thank you by advance !
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