On this specific page you linked to, there are total number of 12 images. 1 for slideshow and for 1 thumbnail nav, each of them has bigger file size than usual.
For all 12 images on that page together, the total file size is 5.13MB
To avoid this big file size issue, use your image editor to do 2 things before upload images to WP.
- Crop image dimension to 960px or 1200px
- Optimize image for web
This way you don’t rely on the performance of PHP script on downsizing too much. See the example above, 150×150 image with 580KB, this is the prove that image script in PHP is not that good. Maybe it depends on the initial dimension too, if it’s too big, the downsize won’t be that great.
“Optimize for web” is to ensure the quality of image displayed on screen to be have smaller file size while keeping almost the same ( not noticeable to human eye ) quality.
Also, some types of images are best when saved as .jpg
, and some should be .png
. You will find more details on this subject using keyword “image optimization”.