• Hello!

    First of all, WordPress is a tremendous resource and I thank the developers and volunteers who continue to improve it.

    My question: I’m making a website for a friend who doesn’t really need all the blogging features and I’ve found a few nice templates that I’m going to customize a bit for her. She likes the CMS aspect of WP (how easy it is, the logical layout) but doesn’t want any categories, time/date stamps, archives… she just wants it to look like a “normal” website (but with the convenience of a good cms to change text once it’s all set up) and maybe a contact page.

    Could someone point me in the right direction? Like where in the code I should be looking or if there’s an option or module I don’t know about to hide or remove this stuff?

    Thanks a million!

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  • webDUmmy .. you can achieve this for and strip it down or eliminate certain aspects of you see when you visit the site .. although if you want to add it back you can down the road …

    but it really helps to know what template you will be suing .. we cannot exactly tell you where to look unless we have an idea of the theme you like …

    is it one that already exists and you are just modifying it? if so, we can look at the same theme .. and tell you specifically where to go ..

    if it is custom built … then you might have to paste the code for eage PHP file you have and then we can tell you what to delete.

    Perfect timing for this post, as I want to do the same thing. I use WordPress for two blogs and I absolutely love it. Now, I am creating another installation where WordPress will be the main index page and I want to use it as a simple content management system.

    I am currently using a them called “letterhead” from Alex King’s listing (https://www.alexking.org/), but it is possible that my template will change. I want to have four or five posts on the main page and have them w/o timestamps or comments etc. I have figured out how to have the additional pages that I need (about me, disclaimer) etc. But not how to set-up a nonblog main page.

    Can I open the main page in dreamweaver and edit it there, or is there something else I shoould do?

    As a side not I should probably mention that I went to Filosofo’s home page control at: https://www.ilfilosofo.com/blog/home-page-control/

    but I am a little sketchy about how to set it up. Thought I would look for a simpler solution….

    Thanks if anyone can help!! – Ryan

    Thread Starter webdummy



    Thank you for your reply and I apologize for the delay in my response. I wanted to make sure which theme my friend wants. She really like papillon by beng hafner. I think I can use a url redirect to send the visitor to the about page (rather than the blog) so all i need to know is which code to delete so “Activity”, “Archive” and “Categories” are deleted from the pages (along with their sublinks) without screwing up the functionality of the code.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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