• Resolved William Alexander



    I’m using this:

    On this page:

    But instead of showing only acoustic guitars, all posts appear. It seems like the codex help is somehow ignoring the category – wonder why? Any ideas? Here is the page:

    <?php $theme_options = get_option('bpp_theme'); ?>
    <? $cat_id = get_query_var('cat') ?>
    <div class="container_12">
        <div class="grid_12 full-wrap">
            <div class="content-wrap">
                <div id="content">
                    <h2><?php single_cat_title(); ?></h2>
    // we add this, to show all posts in our
    // category sorted alphabetically
    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby'=> 'title', 'order' => 'ASC' );
    $alphaposts = get_posts( $args );
    // here comes The Loop!
    foreach( $alphaposts as $post ) :	setup_postdata($post);  ?>
          <div class="post-block">
                                    <div class="post-entry">
                                        <div class="thumb-comments">
                                            <a href="<? the_permalink() ?>" title="<? the_title() ?>">
                                                <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/image.php?width=50&height=50&cropratio=80:80&image=<?php echo catch_that_image() ?>" alt="<? the_title() ?>" />
                                          <h3><a href="<? the_permalink() ?>" title="<? the_title() ?>"><?php $title = get_the_title(); echo shrink_text($title,50) ?></a></h3>
                                        <a href="<? the_permalink() ?>"><strong></strong></a></p>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
                        <div class="navigation">
                            <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('&laquo; Older Entries') ?></div>
                            <div class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('Newer Entries &raquo;') ?></div>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
            <? if ($theme_options['cat_setting_'.$cat_id] == "blog") { ?>
            <div class="sidebar-wrap">
                <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
            <div class="clear"></div>
            <? } ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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  • you need to add the category parameter into this:

    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby'=> 'title', 'order' => 'ASC' );

    you have already got the category ID with this line:

    <?php $cat_id = get_query_var('cat') ?>

    use it in the query parameters; for example:

    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby'=> 'title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'category__in' => array( $cat_id ) );

    get_posts() uses the same parameters as WP_Query():


    Thread Starter William Alexander


    This is a great help. This is working for me but not 100%. If I use the category__in parameter it shows no posts, but if I set the cat to a certain number it works perfectly.

    Is the:

    <?php $cat_id = get_query_var('cat') ?>

    line necessary? or is there some way I can use the parameters you referenced to directly pull the category id into the array for the $args?

    As you can surely tell, I am not schooled in PHP so I have at best a trial-and-error familiarity with this. Thanks so much for leading me in certainly what seems to be the right direction.

    use the parameters you referenced to directly pull the category id into the array for the $args?


    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby'=> 'title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'category__in' => array( get_query_var( 'cat' ) ) );

    or try using the ‘cat’ parameter:

    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby'=> 'title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'cat' => get_query_var( 'cat' ) );

    the navigation with ‘older posts’ etc will not work in your template – you might better remove it.

    as this is a category archive page, why are you using get_posts() and why are you not just editing the original query to show all posts alphabetically?

    Thread Starter William Alexander


    I inherited this site and this is my first exploration into editing templates to try to get them to do what I (more accurately my client) wants them to do. So I am tinkering with the existing files, without completely understanding them. I could not figure out the original query and have been using google to help me try to alphabetize the posts. Once I get this working I’ll have the challenge of trying to figure out a way to have category listings which are sortable by price. Which I think might be more than I can hope to achieve.

    Your ‘cat’ parameter fix above totally worked. It seems to work completely perfectly now, but I would definitely appreciated the educational experience of an suggestion of a more logical way to do this in case I ever come across it again (or especially a suggestion for how I can sort categories by price! That seems impossible at the moment.)

    Thanks so much! William

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