• WordPress version: 3.6-beta3-24398)
    Superslider plugin: SuperSlider

    Plugin version: Version 1.6

    specifically I’m only using accordian and I can not “close” them.

    I did this:

    I expected the plugin to do this:
    I expected a list of Q’s to be listed without the “answers” to be displayed in full. I also expected to be able to open and close any Q. If I wanted three open, then I could do that, and if I wanted them all closed I could do that too.

    Instead it did this:
    All the Q’s and answers are fully displayed, the plugin is pretty well doing nothing except loading the CSS.

    example, this page.
    All the questions are open and I can’t ever close them.

    Any pointers or hints are appreciated! thanks!


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  • I am also facing the problem.. Well this shortcode demo cloase all the content area

    [accordion acc_firstopen="-1" acc_mode="on" ]
    <h3>toggle one</h3>
    <div>content one</div>
    <h3>toggle two</h3>
    <div>content two</div>
    <h3>toggle three</h3>
    <div>content three</div>
    <div class="toggleAllAcc">toggle all Button</div>
    <div class="openAllAcc">open all Button</div>
    <div class="closeAllAcc">close all Button</div>

    but I am still facing problem closing all them. If I click one accordion item, that get open, If I do click another item, another item is open and previous is closed but If I click on last open item, it remain open. The last item don’t get closed. I want to close all the items.

    Any help please?

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