• Resolved pzh20


    I’m having problems formatting some of the output from Event Manager, especially when it wraps the output from short codes in H4’s and Code tags as follows

    <DIV  class="ca-events-table">
       <!-- <UL class="ca-events-list-header">
    	<li class="ca-event-time">Date/Time</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-description">Event</li>
         <ul class="ca-event">
     	<li class="ca-event-time">06/07/2013</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-description">9:30 am - 1:00 pm</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-link"><a href="https://hhhconsulting.co.uk/dev/creakeabbey/?event=farmers-market-2013-07-06" title="Creake Abbey's regular Farmers Market">Creake Abbey's regular Farmers Market</a></li>

    If the H$ has to stay, can it at least have a class set for it, and I do no understand why the is there at all.



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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    sorry for the confusion, can I know where is this ? are you using this on Settings > Formatting > Events or using [events_list] shortcodes ?


    Thread Starter pzh20


    This is what I have in the settings/formatting/events

    <DIV  class="ca-events-table">
       <!-- <UL class="ca-events-list-header">
    	<li class="ca-event-time">Date/Time</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-description">Event</li>
      <ul class="ca-event">
     	<li class="ca-event-time">#_EVENTDATES - #_EVENTTIMES</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-link">#_EVENTLINK</li>
    	<li class="ca-event-Locationname">#_LOCATIONNAME</li>

    and my initial post was what was generated.



    The h4 tag isn’t part of the standard output of the plugin, you’d need to edit the theme files to remove it or add a class to it.

    Thread Starter pzh20


    I think you’ll find it is.

    I can just about cope with the H$, but I don’t understand the CODE tags.


    It’s definitely not standard output. It could be something your Headway theme is adding.

    Try switching to the default WordPress theme to see if it goes away. If it does, it’s a problem with your theme or a template file you’re using.

    If not, try disabling all plugins to rule out a plugin or javascript conflict.

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