If you are looking to only effect your homepage will need to customize your theme. Currently, the “content wrapper” is styled to always display a white box, you’ll want to remove some code that will stop this from displaying.
To completely remove all content from showing on the homepage, you’ll want to edit your front-page.php (if it doesn’t exist, duplicate your page.php and rename it to front-page.php). Open the file and remove all code between the WordPress loop which looks like this..
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
... Code inside the Loop is here ...
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
Delete all of this code and upload the new file to your server and your home page shouldn’t display anything on the homepage. Take note, this will only work if you have setup a static page as your homepage (IE Settings > Reading).
If you wish to display content on this page at a later point, you’ll have to reset all of this.
As for the attaching the footer to the bottom, setting a fixed position with CSS to the bottom of the window on the footer wrapper will achieve it, but normally you’ll need to tweak it further to really achieve your end goal.
#footer { position:fixed; bottom:0; }