• Hello, I have been searching all day and can’t find a theme or plug-in that does what I need so I thought someone might know of one that is free or pay.

    I have the woocommerce and MG vender plugins. I need a theme or plug in where I can set up a price per license like they have on buy artwork sites. While this not for artwork, I need the same principle where a person picks a by license they want for that product. I want the vendors to be able pick the license for their products.


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  • Hello Kimberly,

    WooCommerce has those features built-in, you need to set the product as a variable item then you can create the variations with the different license options.

    I’d suggest you pick a WooCommerce friendly theme either from their shop or somewhere like Themeforest if you want the system to work nicely for you.

    Thread Starter Kimber254


    THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!! I’ve spend all day trying to figure this out.

    My pleasure ^_^

    Thread Starter Kimber254


    Hi, I need some more help. First, I need to set the variables global because I’m using Product Vendor for WooCommerce.

    I went to learn more about variable item and found the help page which says to “you can use global attributes (see Managing Product Categories, Tags and Attributes)”

    but all this says is: “Setting up attributes themselves uses an interface you will be familiar with. It’s recommended that you set up any attributes you will be using over and over in this way. Navigate to Products > Attributes and you will be presented with the following screen:”

    Which works on the add product page.

    Any idea how to make to tie that into prices so when a vendor adds a product they can add multi prices tied to attributes? Sell Media plug-in would be perfect if I was for woo.

    Thanks in advance to any help

    For help with WooCommerce, you can post here:


    If it’s a WooThemes question, you’ll need to ask WooThemes – as these forums don’t support commercial themes.

    Thread Starter Kimber254



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