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  • Hi,

    thanks for your feedback (I′d appreciate your review at even more ??

    regarding WMS: according to leaflet-docs, for WMS there is no option for opacity (, but there is an option for transparency in combination with png as format – if this can be used for maps, is mostly depended on which output the WMS server supports (if I understand the docs right ??


    Thread Starter Graham Horner


    Wow. Quick response! I’m no expert, but it says tileLayer.WMS extends tilelayer and specifically under Options “Includes all tileLayer options” so would have thought it should work. The transparency is to get tiles with a transparent “colour”, not to apply transparency/opacity to the whole tile, I think.

    Any thoughts on the rendering issue? I don’t have an example on a public site I’m afraid.

    can’t have a deeper look into this without an example, Screenshots, configs etc, sorry

    Thread Starter Graham Horner


    OK. The problem seems to be browser dependent. It only occurs with Firefox 21 on my Win7(64) machine. Chrome and IE10 are OK on that machine and FF21 renders OK on XP(32) and Ubuntu 12.04(32). IE8 on XP doesn’t render the overlay at all and reports errors whether or not the overlay is turned on (surprise!)

    If opacity is 1.0 for this overlay, there are no problems with any of the above, including IE8. I have put up the test map at Screenshots are at and ../TestMap2.png.

    It looks like some problem between Leaflet, browsers, and perhaps video cards?

    yes, there is an open issue with Firefox – see this ticket for more detail:

    is that also referring to your issue?

    Thread Starter Graham Horner


    I doubt it, Robert, though I don’t know enough about Leaflet. This has nothing to do with pop-ups. Besides, I can get all the three videos on that thread (both jsFiddles and yours) to play in FF21/Win7 but only the second jsFiddle plays in FF21/XP. That’s the opposite way round to “my” issue.

    mhhh – actually I don’t have a clue why it is as described. Anyone else reading this having an idea?

    you could also open an issue on the git pages of – perhaps we would get a hint from there…

    Thread Starter Graham Horner


    OK, but it’s only worth my while spending time on it if you are going to implement opacity for WMS layers (and assuming the same issue exists with those). That’s what I really want on my site. Otherwise, I will spend the time on another workaround….

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