• Hi Yoast!

    Last month made the switch from All in one SEO to your (great) plugin. Unfortunately, having some issues with the site-map.

    The sitemap is generated properly and I can see the details when clicking on the link (no 404 there) from the plugin page. Though, Google webmaster tool keeps on replying 404 on the submitted site map….. Retesting the link did not change anything. Strangely, if I click on the link shown by Google, it works!

    What I already tried:
    – added the extra code to the .htaccess (like suggested on your site)
    – added the details to have W3C ignore the sitemap on the Browser cache
    – added some code to the function.php to handle the 404 in a different way

    Non of these seem to work. A lot of the comments I found online are related to the sitemap giving a 404 in general (which is not the case for me).

    Any ideas on how I can fix this?


    Site: https://nordicdesign.ca/blog


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