• Hi,
    This is not bug reporting, but “hint huntig”, I would say. I am not able to find, where the realtionship (link, connection, whatever it is officialy called) is stored.

    I am making site, where I keep some information about the post in my custom tables (it’s going to be simple real estate catalog or something like that). And I link this info to post through post ID. So I need to connect translated article (lets say 94) with original article (lets say 20), which have the attributes linked to itself. Therefore I don’t see any other way than find the connection between the translations.

    hopefully I explained it sfficciently and hopefully this is not any kind of secret and you can tell me that.


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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    There is nothing secret in free software! The links are currently stored in post meta as an associative array with language codes as keys and post ids as values.

    But this is likely to change in the future (I am already working on this). So it would be more robust if you could rely on the Polylang API pll_get_post.

    There is also a way to get all translations of a post at the same time:

    global $polylang;
    $translations = $polylang->get_translations('post', $post_id);

    It returns the array described above.

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