1) Thanks for common.ini, it works, I just have a problem with expression using the ponctuation mark ! in the english version.
Just see it with an example from common.ini:
Thank you for subscription!=”Merci de votre inscription !” causes errors (“Warning: syntax error, unexpected ‘!'”).
2) I didn’t used the good word, I meant “sender email” ??
When someone subsribes, he receives an email, the “from” is empty. I notice that in \modules\messenger\mod.php, your function “send” is defined like this:
public function send($to, $from, $fromName, $module, $template, $variables)
and that in \modules\subscribe\models\subscribe.php, the second parameter is still get_bloginfo(‘name’) in place of get_bloginfo(‘admin_email’) (or another parameter that should be changed in the plugin options).
That’s why I see problem in Gmail when I receive emails from the plugin…