• I had to change one thing, to get multiple galleries working on one page without displaying all images of all galleries on that page.

    add this line:
    $my_id = “{$id}”;


    > $output .= “
    > <div class=’polaroid-gallery galleryid-{$id}’>”;

    find this line and chage the rel attribute:
    a href=”‘. $image[0] .'” title=”‘. $title .'” rel=”polaroid_’ . $my_id . ‘”

    Finally in your shortcode, add a distinct id for each gallery on your page.
    [gallery id="1" ids"..."]
    [gallery id="2" ids"..."]
    [gallery id="3" ids"..."]

    Could someone put this in the next release please, as I don’t want to break my projects on each plugin update?


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