Twitter publicized being automatically shared?
One of our authors tried to set up a twitter connection and was never given the option whether to share or not but the connection was automatically shared to all users. Is that normal?
Thanks in advance!
Nope, that’s not normal. Can I have a link to the site, please?
yeah thanks for getting back to me it’s:
I have the same (or is it? I don’t know) issue but worse–my blog posts are automatically publicizing to a twitter account I no longer use, nor have access to, nor is it MINE. It belongs to an old client of mine. They are @bemwirelessco. My posts go (properly) to @ToDo4Today (but not autoshare, which is fine.)I have been around the block here on the forums for two days with this. Bottom line: they’ve long since removed my user status for their blog or twitter & they show nowhere on my acct/dashboard. It must have something to do with me being cached on–didn’t start till I went self-hosted from and uploaded jetpack as a plug in. Can you check my site too please?
PS: I went through steps via another thread, on my own, two days ago, and resaved everything–disconnected, reconnected. Now I’ve lost my subscribers too and I’d like them back. I just did all this a few weeks ago. Can you help or do I need yet another thread? :-/ My yesterday, to no avail:
Hi ubernaut,
I’ve done extensive adding and removing of my Twitter connection on my test site, and I wasn’t able to reproduce. Every time I went through the steps, I got all the right prompts, including asking me if I want to share the connection with the other users on my site. I suspect that either your theme or a plugin is interfering with the steps, somehow. I’d turn off all your plugins and switch to the default twentyEleven or TwentyTen theme, and then try again. Let me know how that goes.
Your issue is quite different from the original poster. However, I see no link between the 2 sites at all, not do I see any of your tweets on their timeline. Would you mind posting again, and after confirming that your post appears on their Twitter timeline, look at this link right away:
and then take a screenshot of what you see. That should confirm whether or not that the tweets come from the Publicize connection.
Hope that helps!
ok will do thanks for the response!
Thank you Richard. They have been deleting the posts, so that’s whay you don’t see them. However I will post today, look right away and follow your instructions. That will really help. We need to figure out where the mystery originates from. THANK YOU!! I’ll be in touch.
I believe, this has finally been resolved. Fingers crossed.
Except I would like my subscribers back.
Do I need to go somewhere else again or start a new post? I forget. I did this a few weeks ago and have just been through so much rebuilding the site since going self hosted. Please advise.
Thank you.
funny story when i had recreated this issue using the on post page setup i experienced the exact same issue but when i set it up in the main jet pack publicize config page it did ask me whether to share or not. so i think it may not be a plugin thing after all. feel fee to mark resolved as at least for us it is.
eatplaymove: So, what happened? How was it resolved? As for your subscribers, you have 2 email subscribers and 32 followers (who will see your posts only in the Reader). Should you have more than that? I can see that your oldest email subscriber subscribed 1 month ago.
ubernaut: I’m not quite sure I follow your explanation, but if it’s resolved for you, great!
well I’m saying the bug only occurs when attempting to set up the twitter link from inside the post page if you set it up in the main jetpack area the bug does not occur.
Okay @richard… sorry for the delay. I had to wait till I posted and followed up with old client to report back. I am posting live so I don’t want to just put up anything on the blog to experiment with Publicize. I did do some more looking around support, experimenting with re-entering and resaving everything, then posted Friday and I did NOT see it go this time to the bem wireless twitter! Unfortunately, contact there had out of office reply on email, and NO new tweets were going up so…. I can only assume my problem has been miraculously resolved but I won’t know for sure till I post again (today) IF their systems are all up and running and they can reply to me that they are not removing my auto posts to their feed immediately.
Phew. I also had to go to another forum to re-request my former followers to be reinstalled, and it took a day or two, but as of this morning, they were back! I know it’s only two dozen, but that’s all I got on wordpress in a month before all this migration mess began. Now… off to try to get real, new subscribers on with my growing site.
THANK YOU. Fingers crossed that my issue is actually resolved for good. If not… oh well. Nothing more I can do. At least my blog posts are nice topics like wellness and nutrition and weight management, not crazy that would damage the client’s business brand. ??
never mind–deleting due to new discovery on my own. There should be a delete post button here. ??
Hi! I got the email with the original content of your now-deleted message. I am very intrigued now to hear about your new discovery. ??
@richard: I took a closer look at the tweet that went automatically to the bemwirelessco twitter acct. It’s the first one I’ve actually seen (they had emailed me to let me know it was happening but were deleting them previously). I was told they were coming from my blog. I had just migrated to a few weeks earlier, then a couple weeks after, did the jetpack plugin. I’m new to all this, and the lingo too, from the technical side of things. I usually just write/post/click…not set up.
So, when I was working for bem several months ago, they set up their website with a developer, their blog was a wordpress site integrated into their website framework, and then they set up their social media accounts. I posted the content–was added by them as a user or author and given my passwords for the time I worked there. Then, when I didn’t, I assumed I was removed, I certainly removed myself from any connections that I might have had.
NOW: this happened, so I assumed by what I was told, it had to do with being on again, since I used to post on their blog and I was authorized in every way. The posts would automatically share on their twitter, facebook, etc. It was all connected that way, I could even work from my mobile phone.
But nothing is on any of my accounts now? Well, I finally saw the tweet as I said. It is NOT from my BLOG! It is FROM FACEBOOK. And get this: it’s from my personal facebook account! I post sometimes to my friends something that directs them to visit my wordpress site. That’s what this was–a post with a link to my blog. Looking at my facebook acct., WP seems to be only authorized to share with one page, and that is my business page, which is of course linked to my personal fb page… but still. No mention of bem. AND I don’t have either of them connected to my own twitter even!
So, A) they were wrong in saying they were getting my blog posts shared on twitter– They are getting posts with links TO my blog (so weird!) and B) @bemwirelssco is no where to be found in the account setting of anything I post. It has to be on their end, like, from back when I got added to their facebook page or twitter acct to auto share posts with their wordpress?
I’m stymied. I don’t even know who to ask? But I feel like I’ve taken up enough of my, and everyone here’s, time.
Goodness, that IS odd. I honestly don’t know ow or why Facebook posts would be sent to their Twitter stream. I looked at the Tweet from this link:
And it’s definitely coming from Facebook (I copied the relevant information here: in case they delete the tweet).
My understanding from this (old) post is that your page must be linked to their Twitter account:
I don’t know how to fix that, though. You can always ask here:
I’m going to mark this as resolved since it isn’t a Jetpack issue, but when and if you do fix this, please let me know! ??
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