Hi Kate,
never a good idea to edit the original code. Either will never be able to update to take advantage of new features/bug fixes and/or you will have to reapply your code changs to avoid losing them – painful.
SO… better ways:
1) those are just links! so switch them off (in the shortcode add show_views=0 https://icalevents.com/documentation/shortcodes/#parameters), and add your own links for as many different views (monthy, weekly, etc) as you like before the shortcode. Just link back to the page with &listtype=x or &listtype=y… whatever your chosen views are.
2) with any plugin or wordpress itself
translate! – yes from default to english (Uk or US or whatever). Very empowering and not that hard ….. and everything stays upgradeable.
See https://icalevents.com/3445-an-accent-for-your-website/
3) Write own function to do the views: amrical_calendar_views is “plugggable”. Look in amr-pluggable.php. Copy the function into your own site specific plugin and tailor it. Main plugin still upgradeable, but remember it’s function iwll not be used, yours will.
…To Create a site specific plugin:
or https://ottopress.com/2011/creating-a-site-specific-snippets-plugin/