Hi for my site, after a helluva lot of trial and errors. (I’m not a programmer) was to
1. Create your Front Page and Blog Posts Page, which you have done.
2. Then go to themes > Theme Options was to choose the wide layout as my default page.
3. Next to have that nice front page home look, I went to Appearance > Theme Options > Featured Post/Page Slider > Slider Options > Uncheck the Check to Disable Box and in number of slides box, put in 1 for my main image.
4. Then just below Slider Options, expand the Featured post/Page Slider Option. Uncheck the “check to exclude’ box so the slider is only on your Front or Home Page.
5. Thennnn…(take a deep breath here) if I remember correctly what I did was to then go to Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays > Choose Home Page (front page) as your static page. Then choose your blog posts page as your posts page.
Save all options in the step above and ensure that your images are saved in PNG with a transparent background so the Front Page image doesn’t block the menu bar lines. I had no option but to use a JPEG because my logo had a gradient vector and when I converted it to PNG format and uploaded it to WordPress, the darn image came out looking really discoloured and the gradient disappeared. Sigh.
Hope the above works for you!