Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • I think thats a great idea!!

    Haha…I love this…but sometimes its hard to differ a kitty and ..a racoon? or whatever it is

    theres some weird animals in there!
    there even seems to be a nude girl with an owl??

    great concept though..

    animals for Captchas

    dont think the animal rights people will like that!

    I think it’s a great alternative to other authorization techniques.

    I love this idea — but would prefer smaller, faster-loading pictures, and have kittens vs flowers or something more obvious than kittens vs other animals.

    The return of Kitten’s Spaminator perhaps??

    Hi. I’m the author of the site (using a BugMeNot account).

    The actual article on KittenAuth is here:

    I’m currently taking on-board all suggestions (of which there are a lot) for the second version that I’ll implement for myself.

    After that I’ll be teaching myself enough PHP to work on creating several plugins for all the major blogging apps.

    If you like it, spread it around the net. If you love it, come on in and click an advert. If you adore all the cute furry animals and you’ve got a spare $2 languishing in a paypal account, hit the donate button so I can feed my kitten =)

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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